It is certainly a good time to buy a cheaper car insurance policy. Due to the recession some of the American's are abstaining from car insurance coverage or buying a car insurance policy. This year the Insurance Research Council reported that one in six drivers in the USA may be driving uninsured by 2010. This is the result of the continuing economic downturn.
There is good news this fall for auto insurance customers since the auto insurance rates have decreased dramatically. The auto insurance rates are dropping by nearly one hundred dollars this fall. This is clearly an indication that the insurance market is still in the soft phase and the cycle is likely to continue. The auto insurance rates have also been reduced by nearly 14% in the state of California.
Take advantage of the good times to see if you have the right coverage and also if you would like to maintain such low auto insurance rates than you need to keep in mind the points given below:
1) Check if your automobile insurance coverage and see if theft is covered. You might need an auto theft coverage for your car especially if you drive 1994 Honda Accord, 1995 Honda Civic or 1989 Toyota Camry since as per the 2008 survey by the National Insurance Crime Bureau.these are the top three vehicles stolen.
2) Check up your home policy and see that you have coverage for personal belongings. If you leave anything in the car and your personal belongings are stolen than your home insurance policy will pay for the same and not your auto insurance policy. If you do not have this coverage than you should not leave your lap top, GPS, your ipod, ipod touch or valuable gadgets in the car.
3) Please ensure that you drive your own vehicle and do not let anyone else drive your vehicle. This is because if your friend is driving the vehicle and if an accident occurs than your car insurance rate will increase and not your friends.
4) The holiday season is fast approaching. Do not drink and drive since the auto insurance rates for these have not lowered. The insurance premium with violation is higher by at least $425/- than the normal premium charged.
5) Buy your car insurance or upgrade your insurance: If you have not taken any vehicle insurance till date, than it is best to buy the auto insurance so that you can be covered and also be eligible for no claim bonus. If you are already insured than, it is time to review car insurance and see if you have the comprehensive coverage that you have need for your car and belongings.
What are you waiting for? With the slash in the rates, you can easily shop around for free multiple low and affordable car insurance quotes. Remember you need your car and your insurance especially in the holiday season. The recession and the holiday season is bringing in its good luck and benefits and so make the most of the cheaper car insurance rates and buy that cheap auto insurance policy.
Cheaper car insurance policy is becoming easier to obtain with the auto insurance rates also receding. It would be a pleasure to help you resolve your insurance queries, having a deep understanding and experience in this field. Your questions are welcomed.
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